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Technology, Tips

3 Options to Host a Virtual Meeting with Your Clients

Save Time and Money with Virtual Meetings

If you’ve worked with Pixel Perfect in the past, likely you have experienced one of our virtual meetings.

It’s not only a great way to stay connected, but also extremely convenient.

Here’s why:

  • Virtual meetings save time and travel costs
  • It allows all participants to connect from virtually any device with internet (i.e. desktop, tablet, etc.)
  • Participants can do cool things like share what’s on their computer screen or send files
  • You can connect with clients locally or internationally at no additional cost

While there is still a place for in-person meetings, it’s been our experience that a lot can get accomplished meeting virtually.

Getting Comfortable with Technology

Although the technology to host a virtual meeting has been available for some time, it’s often new for our clients. In fact, a lot of them experience it for the first time while on a call with us.

Afterwards, they often want to adopt this practice for their business as well, but have technology questions.

Because of this, we thought it would be helpful to share our 3 favourite ways to host a virtual meeting.

How to Select the Right Software

We have tried several different solutions and have narrowed it down to our 3 favourites. These are our ‘go-to’ options and use them several times a week.

Each option listed below is easy to use, and available with both free and paid plans.

Features common to each offering include:

  • Audio-only or full-video chat
  • One of more attendees
  • Screen Sharing
  • Mobile Apps

Virtual Meeting Software Recommendations

1. Skype

Skype is probably the best known and oldest option. Skype is great for jumping on a quick call, sharing a screen or having a face to face chat. It’s easy to use and can dial both Skype numbers and landlines (at an additional cost).

I typically use skype for one-on-one chats with clients and colleagues.

Learn more at:

2. Join.Me is a great option if you’re meeting with a small team and your primary focus is audio and screen sharing.

Cool features include:

  • Participants can join a meeting without downloading any software
  • Remote Desktop Control
  • Integrations with email and productivity software

I use Join.Me for scheduled project meetings with multiple attendees.

Learn more at:

3. Zoom

Zoom is a great option if your virtual meetings will be video-call focused. In fact, out of all the options, I’ve found Zoom to have the best quality hands down.

Zoom is also great for hosting webinars or other meetings that require a larger audience. It’s easy to use and offers very affordable options outside it’s free version.

I prefer Zoom for group meetings where video is a primary need.

Learn more at

Deciding Which Option is Right For You

My best suggestion is to try each solution and see what feels good.

If you’re like us, you may use more than one in your business to handle different types of meetings.

If you’re brand new to virtual meetings and want to get your feet wet, I’d recommend Skype.

You and your colleagues likely already have it on your computer, plus it’s very intuitive.

Have a Suggestion?

If you’re currently using an option not listed here, I’d love to hear from you.

Reach out and let us know why you prefer it over the others.

We’re always open to exploring technology that will allow our business to operate more efficiently.

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